Our operations
Rio Grande do Sul
Grupo Olfar´s plant is strategically located in one of the most productive regions in the agricultural sector in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In the city of Erechim, the company stands out for its performance in oil extraction, biodiesel production, glycerin refinery and energy generation. In addition to the commercial and administrative structures centralized there.
It is responsible for the production of soybean meal, soybean lecithin and soybean oil.
The Biodiesel Plant is part of a select group of the 10 largest in the country. Considered one of the most modern of its kind, being the first to use the enzymatic neutralization process in Brazil. In addition to biodiesel, it extracts crude glycerin during the production process.
The automated process developed at the Glycerin Refinery, and advanced technology allows greater flexibility to work with different raw materials. Complying with international quality and production standards, Olfar's refined glycerin is a high quality product, with a minimum purity level of 99.7%.
Transformation into
production numbers
grains processing capacity per day
per hour
production capacity per day
of crude glycerin refined per day
To meet the demand in the Alto Uruguai Gaúcho region, Grupo Olfar has an origination network that covers several cities located in this area of the state. Through this structure, the Group provides a qualified technical team that accompanies agricultural producers, guiding and monitoring production.
Olfar sells around 80% of the production of oilseeds from this area.
Thermoelectric power plant
Responsible for the self-production of energy through cogeneration, the Energir Thermoelectric Power Plant supplies Olfar's headquarters plant in the city of Erechim. Electricity and steam generated through the controlled combustion of eucalyptus wood chips, a clean and renewable energy source. Olfar provides an automated structure that performs the felling, chopping and transport of the wood chips to the plant. This flow provides a better price for the forester. All raw material consumed comes from reforestation areas.
The plant complies with all environmental norms and regulations, operating with extremely safe technologies and control equipment, such vertical bag filters, efficient in gas filtration. Energir also develops the Renewable Energy Program.
Olfar Energy
in Numbers
Installed and granted power
of wood processed per day, the equivalent of 1,200 m³ to 1,300 m³ of wood chips.
is the capacity to produce electricity per day
of steam/hour, which supplies the industrial complex
The volume of biomass is capable of producing 150 MW of electricity per day, an amount capable of supplying a city of approximately 30,000 inhabitants. This energy supplies the entire consumption of the headquarters and the excess exported to the SIN (National Interconnect System).
In addition to electricity, the plant generates 55 tons of steam/hour, which supplies the industrial complex in the extraction, biodiesel, and glycerin refining and evaporation system. The steam generation process takes place in a closed circuit, that is, after feeding the industrial processes, much of it returns in the condensate form to the thermoelectric power plant.
With the residual from the combustion process, 3 tons/day of ash is generated, which is collected by a specialized company and reused as a form of organic fertilizer, which makes the process environmentally sustainable throughout its cycle.
in motion
The Olfar Group also has a strategic logistics structure, through Supply Chain, which maintains a team focused on managing all handling operations, ensuring to supply raw material for the industry, offering products and the fluidity for the outflow of the production. The activities are developed in line with the company's commitment to society and the environment.
The logistics sector controls the renewal and periodic maintenance of the fleet, implementing new technologies and using resources such as S10 and Arla, which considerably reduce the polluting effects.
The professionals who are part of the team of drivers receive periodic training and guidance, aiming to qualify their work and prioritize their own safety and that of other road users.
Transformation in motion
Fast and responsive logistics
for technical support in the field.
for liquid cargo in the shipment of Glycerin USP, reforestation and bulk carriers.
per day between receiving and shipping products at the units in Erechim (Rio Grande do Sul), Porto Real (Rio de Janeiro) and Porangatu (Goiás).
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A Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar, está disponível para consulta, sempre que desejado pelo Titular através do site wwww.olfar.ind.br. Em caso de qualquer dúvida em relação ao uso dos “Dados”, o Titular poderá entrar em contato, por meio dos canais de atendimento:
E-mail: privacidadededados@olfar.ind.br
Telefone: +55 54 2106-2600 ou +55 54 99714-1606
Pessoa responsável: Priscila da Paz Vieira – Coordenadora de ESG
Ao declarar que concorda com o presente termo, o Titular consente que as empresas do Grupo Olfar (Olfar S/A – Alimento e Energia e Energir Geração de Energia Elétrica Ltda), doravante denominadas Controladoras tomem decisões referentes ao tratamento de seus “Dados”, bem como realizem o tratamento de seus “Dados”, de acordo com o descrito na Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar.
1. Segurança dos Dados: As Controladoras responsabilizam-se pela manutenção de medidas de segurança, técnicas e administrativas aptas a proteger os “Dados” do Titular, de acessos não autorizados e de situações acidentais ou ilícitas. Em conformidade ao art. 48 da Lei nº 13.709, as Controladoras comunicarão ao Titular e à Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) a ocorrência de incidente de segurança que possa acarretar risco ou dano relevante ao Titular.
2. Direito de Revogação do Consentimento Este consentimento poderá ser revogado pelo Titular, a qualquer momento, respeitadas as disposições legais quanto à obrigação de manter a guarda de eventuais documentos, mediante solicitação formal, entregue via e-mail ou correspondência às Controladoras para os seguintes endereços: E-mail: privacidadededados@olfar.ind.br Endereço: BR 153, km 53, S/N, Frinape, Erechim/RS- CEP 99.709-780 – A/C: Comitê LGPD.