Olfar's way of being part of the
transformation of Agribusiness

Cultivate trusting relationships and commitment to growth every harvest. This is Olfar's way of being part of the transformation of Agribusiness.

The partnership of Olfar Group with the farmer allows qualified monitoring of planting, growing and harvesting, up to the commercialization of the grains. Through the origination units, Olfar's commitment to the field is to bring knowledge and alternatives for the development of agriculture, in addition to good conditions and business opportunities.

For this, Olfar's team of technicians provides guidance, information and technology to farmers in its field of work, in order to ensure productivity and durability of crops.


An integrated supply chain, responsive and efficient production network, Olfar receives grain through a network of 48 facilities, strategically located in the Alto Uruguai Gaúcho region.


The Olfar presence in Agribusiness

0 % of the production

of oilseeds from the Alto Uruguai region of Rio Grande do Sul state are sells by Olfar.

0 tons

This is the static capacity for receiving and storing grain, equivalent to more than 7.667.410 bags


grain receiving units

Find Olfar facility nearest you!

Supply Chain

The Olfar Group's Supply chain has a partnership with the giants from agribusiness and a vast portfolio of products, the result of the latest research and development in the segment.

Olfar's supply chain department serves more than 11 thousand producers, through the work of a team of more than 60 agricultural technicians, who provide specialized assistance and follow-up from planting to harvesting.

Radio Program

The Olfar Radio Program “INFORMA” brings up to date information of the most important issues of the agribusiness segment, as well as information about the market, raw material, technical tips, weather forecast, news and issues related to Grupo Olfar.

Dia de Campo Olfar 2021
Compromisso com o campo, com a tecnologia e a inovação
Olfar promove campanha de Recolhimento de Embalagens de Agrotóxicos
Grupo Olfar apoia o VII Fórum Norte Gaúcho da Soja
Olfar, Basf e Agricultores: uma parceria para potencializar o desenvolvimento no campo
Sustainable Field Day
Campanha de recolhimento de embalagens de agrotóxicos