Come build
your future with us!
All the transformation that moves us is only possible thanks to the commitment and dedication of our people.
Are you passionate about new ideas, challenges and constant learning? If so, come build your future with us!
The Olfar Group seeks people who want to be and make a difference. Dynamic people willing to contribute through their deliveries and responsibilities with the whole company.
The GERAR is a program created with the purpose of promoting policies and strategies for the growth and development of Olfar's employees.
Includes attracting and selecting talents to join the company. For each opportunity, there are specific criteria that are set based on the maps of each job skills such as training, responsibilities, skills and behavioral techniques and behavioral techniques. Aiming to value professionals who work at Olfar, many vacancies are available for internal recruitment.
Through a specific methodology, established by Olfar, performance evaluations are carried out periodically, as a way to encourage people's development. This process seeks to provide an opportunity for dialogue between employees and managers, in order to promote professional growth and development.
Generate the well-being of people is a commitment to Olfar. Based on research, suggestions and employee’s perceptions, the company implements actions and improvements to make a better work environment.
Stimulating creativity and the many possibilities of evolution: this is the goal of GERAR IDEAIS. The program encourages employees to think about and propose innovations that enable continuous improvements in work processes, through practical day-to-day experience. In this way, everyone assumes the leading role, aiming at optimization, efficiency and focus on the Group's strategic actions. At the end of each year, a ranking is held, where the best-implemented ideas are awarded.
Aims to establish requirements for each position and define the wages practices adopted by the company for each job, as well as future remauneration prospects within the position.
Based on a survey of qualification needs, an Annual Training Program is made to meet the demands of training and development of each team.
Encourage inclusion based on the same selection criteria and requirements for each position, based on the opportunities offered by the company.
Be part of Grupo Olfar
To participate in Olfar's recruitment processes, you must register your resume at the company's web portal.
All data will remain in our database for one year. You will be able to access your information at any time for updating. After a year, your registration will be inactivated and you came make a new one. The information requested will be under the responsibility of our Human Resources Department and used solely for the purpose of the recruitment processes.
Este documento visa registrar a manifestação livre, informada e inequívoca pela qual o Titular concorda com o tratamento de seus “Dados” (pessoais, comerciais, bancários, financeiros, profissionais, entre outros) de acordo com o descrito na Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar.
A Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar, está disponível para consulta, sempre que desejado pelo Titular através do site Em caso de qualquer dúvida em relação ao uso dos “Dados”, o Titular poderá entrar em contato, por meio dos canais de atendimento:
Telefone: +55 54 2106-2600 ou +55 54 99714-1606
Pessoa responsável: Priscila da Paz Vieira – Coordenadora de ESG
Ao declarar que concorda com o presente termo, o Titular consente que as empresas do Grupo Olfar (Olfar S/A – Alimento e Energia e Energir Geração de Energia Elétrica Ltda), doravante denominadas Controladoras tomem decisões referentes ao tratamento de seus “Dados”, bem como realizem o tratamento de seus “Dados”, de acordo com o descrito na Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar.
1. Segurança dos Dados: As Controladoras responsabilizam-se pela manutenção de medidas de segurança, técnicas e administrativas aptas a proteger os “Dados” do Titular, de acessos não autorizados e de situações acidentais ou ilícitas. Em conformidade ao art. 48 da Lei nº 13.709, as Controladoras comunicarão ao Titular e à Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) a ocorrência de incidente de segurança que possa acarretar risco ou dano relevante ao Titular.
2. Direito de Revogação do Consentimento Este consentimento poderá ser revogado pelo Titular, a qualquer momento, respeitadas as disposições legais quanto à obrigação de manter a guarda de eventuais documentos, mediante solicitação formal, entregue via e-mail ou correspondência às Controladoras para os seguintes endereços: E-mail: Endereço: BR 153, km 53, S/N, Frinape, Erechim/RS- CEP 99.709-780 – A/C: Comitê LGPD.