Environmental responsibility
Commitment to transformation
Contribute effectively to social and environmental transformation, based on ethical values, citizenship and sustainability. This is the Olfar Group's commitment. As a company, part of the food and energy segment and Brazilian representative in the global market, believes and encourages projects and programs that promote the preservation of natural resources, seeking sustainable and conscious growth.
The Olfar Group is constantly working to incorporate renewable sources into the country's energy matrix, aiming at building a sustainable future. Thus, the commitment to social and environmental aspects present throughout the production chain, bearing in mind the high potential of biodiesel as a biodegradable fuel derived from renewable sources, with an important role in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.
RenovaBio is a program of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, which institutes the National Biofuels Policy. This initiative sets decarbonization targets, aiming to collaborate with the global treaty on climate change (Paris Agreement), promote the expansion of biofuels in the Brazilian energy matrix and ensure predictability for the fuel market, inducing gains in energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Olfar's plants in Rio Grande do Sul and in Rio de Janeiro have the RenovaBio certification, which awards company’s producers of biofuels taking into account their Environmental Energy Efficiency Score. This score accurately reflects the company's contribution to the mitigation of a specific amount of greenhouse gases in relation to its fossil substitute.
Olfar´s Biodiesel plant in Porangatu in Goiás State received the certification RenovaBio to issue more than 1.39 million decarbonization credits per year. In conformity with the National Policy for Biofuel, the plant becomes the largest holder of CBios in Brazil. This places Porangatu as the first biodiesel plant with the potential to exceed the barrier of one million CBios per year. This achievement confirms Olfar Group's commitment to sustainability, by means of the practices adopted that aim at anti-pollution. CBios are bonds issued based on the carbon emissions that have been reduced. Each ton of CO2 that is no longer emitted generates a carbon credit.
The Porangatu Energy & Environment Efficiency Score (NEEA in Portuguese) also highlights that the plant has the 13th cleanest biodiesel among those certified, being able to emit one CBio for every 378.2 liters of biodiesel produced. On average, the sector has 65.78 gCO2eq/MJ, which would allow the emission of one CBio for every 458.5 liters. Last year, the plant produced 114.6 thousand m³ of biodiesel, which would allow the emission of 247 thousand credits. It is important to mention that, in fact, the plant only started to produce biodiesel, in May 2021. With an average monthly production of 14,300 m³, if it had been active since the beginning of the year the production could have reached 171,800 m³ of biodiesel and, in this case, it could generate 370,600 CBios.
The transformation of recycled frying oil into biofuel translates the meaning of end-to-end sustainable production. This practice contributes not only to preservation, but also to the re-education and awareness of the population regarding the correct disposal of this waste, which, when improperly disposed, causes a great impact on sewage systems, causing damage to nature and society as a whole.
Olfar works to promote the implementation of energy forests through a solid partnership with local landowners and woodchip suppliers in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul.
With support from Embrapa Florestas, Emater Regional Erechim and the Associação dos Municípios do Alto Uruguai (Amau), the Regional Renewable Energy Program aims to make Grupo Olfar self-sufficient in the production of forest biomass for heat and energy generation.
Strategically developed to integrate foresters into the industrial chain, the project goes beyond the need to meet the demand for raw material, promoting economic, social and environmental advantages for the entire region.
In addition to highlighting environmental gains, reforestation allows the producer to take advantage of unproductive areas, inadequate for agriculture, complementing the activities of the farm.
Olfar has a Forestry Engineer and a specialized technical team to support the structuring of the planting and development of Eucalyptus forests, providing foresters with knowledge and technology to improve the production system. To ensure operational efficiency, we also have mechanized systems for felling, processing and our own logistics, which enable and optimize the transport of biomass.
Sowing awareness, this is the Olfar Group's commitment.
More than establishing strategies, sustainability is in the essence, in the way of thinking and acting. Believing in this philosophy, Grupo Olfar created the Program Sou Olfar, Sou Sustentável (I am Olfar , I am Sustainable), working for environmental preservation. The program promotes different actions and initiatives that seek to reinforce the need to change habits and attitudes, combining integration between the company, employees and the community. Some actions already taken:
The Olfar Group works with a platform for digital signatures in compliance with all current legislation, including the General Data Protection Law.
Indices of avoided CO2, water and preserved trees are generated, according to the number of documents signed and transmitted electronically.
The partnership with the producer includes guidance for the development of agriculture in a responsible way. Concerning to raw materials, every Brazilian rural producer who uses pesticides needs to give the correct destination to the packages. The process is known as reverse logistics.
Olfar adopts a posture with the concept of shared responsibility among farmers, industry and distribution channels. In this way, it annually carries out the Pesticide Packaging Collection campaign, throughout the region where it operates, making collection points available at the grain-receiving units.
The collected material is destined for correct disposal, in partnership with certified companies.
Action numbers in 2021
of pesticide packaging
of plastic bags
of cardboard packaging
Because of an innovative process, Olfar treats its effluents through membrane filtration systems. Using this pioneering technology, all the effluents generated in the company return to the processes with water quality for reuse through a closed system. Along with this, the company seeks to minimize the waste generated with clean technologies.
In the manufacturing site, Grupo Olfar implemented a closed circuit system where all water used in the industry is treated and returned to the process, reused, in a continuous cycle. A small portion not reused is destined for an evaporation system, reducing the amount of final effluent.
For boiler water treatment, the company works with reverse osmosis, one of the most efficient systems currently available on the market.
In addition, cisterns are available to collect and store rainwater, which is used at various points in the company.
Olfar constantly seeks to improve energy efficiency. For this, the Olfar Group relies on the Energir Thermoelectric Power Plant, which generates electricity and steam to supply the headquarters from eucalyptus biomass, a clean and renewable source.
In addition, the company applies good practices for the rational use of energy in all its processes, from the acquisition of machines and equipment with a high performance, even simple changes that make a difference, such as the replacement of types of light bulbs and, mainly, awareness actions with employees through the Program Eu sou Olfar, Eu sou sustentável (I am Olfar, I am Sustainable).
The use of sustainable practices in fleet management is also part of the responsible and conscientious transformation process. The logistics sector controls the renewal and periodic maintenance of the fleet, implementing new technologies and resources such as S10 and Arla, which considerably reduce the polluting effects.
Olfar Group believes in the positive transformation of society based on principles of sustainability and environmental responsibility. To this end, it establishes socio-environmental conduct and guidelines, available in its Green Code.
Since its creation, the link with the community and the commitment to local development have been incorporated into Olfar's nature. For this purpose, the company's actions are based on the commitment to promote activities with excellence and innovation, and the constant search to encourage agents that integrate the production chain, either through the development of the cities in its area of operation, as well as thousands of people, through the generation of employment and income.
In addition, Olfar permanently encourages social projects and promotes campaigns that seek to benefit the community and entities where the company operates, such as: assistance to the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of Erechim, to the National Support Program to Culture and the Incentive Program for Public Security Equipment in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, through laws to encourage and support hospitals and donations of clothing and food to entities and families in vulnerable situations.
Awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA in Portuguese) this seal confers on Olfar the character of promoting the social inclusion of Family Farmers. In addition to directly benefit producers, meeting the necessary requirements in the purchase of raw material originating in these rural properties, Olfar provides, through its agricultural technicians, free assistance and training to those who fall under the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF in Portuguese).
Este documento visa registrar a manifestação livre, informada e inequívoca pela qual o Titular concorda com o tratamento de seus “Dados” (pessoais, comerciais, bancários, financeiros, profissionais, entre outros) de acordo com o descrito na Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar.
A Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar, está disponível para consulta, sempre que desejado pelo Titular através do site wwww.olfar.ind.br. Em caso de qualquer dúvida em relação ao uso dos “Dados”, o Titular poderá entrar em contato, por meio dos canais de atendimento:
E-mail: privacidadededados@olfar.ind.br
Telefone: +55 54 2106-2600 ou +55 54 99714-1606
Pessoa responsável: Priscila da Paz Vieira – Coordenadora de ESG
Ao declarar que concorda com o presente termo, o Titular consente que as empresas do Grupo Olfar (Olfar S/A – Alimento e Energia e Energir Geração de Energia Elétrica Ltda), doravante denominadas Controladoras tomem decisões referentes ao tratamento de seus “Dados”, bem como realizem o tratamento de seus “Dados”, de acordo com o descrito na Política de Privacidade do Grupo Olfar.
1. Segurança dos Dados: As Controladoras responsabilizam-se pela manutenção de medidas de segurança, técnicas e administrativas aptas a proteger os “Dados” do Titular, de acessos não autorizados e de situações acidentais ou ilícitas. Em conformidade ao art. 48 da Lei nº 13.709, as Controladoras comunicarão ao Titular e à Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) a ocorrência de incidente de segurança que possa acarretar risco ou dano relevante ao Titular.
2. Direito de Revogação do Consentimento Este consentimento poderá ser revogado pelo Titular, a qualquer momento, respeitadas as disposições legais quanto à obrigação de manter a guarda de eventuais documentos, mediante solicitação formal, entregue via e-mail ou correspondência às Controladoras para os seguintes endereços: E-mail: privacidadededados@olfar.ind.br Endereço: BR 153, km 53, S/N, Frinape, Erechim/RS- CEP 99.709-780 – A/C: Comitê LGPD.